Be sure to thank your School Resource Officer for everything they do to keep the campuses safe!
2 days ago, Gunter ISD
Thank you to the officers who keep us safe each and every day!
Don't forget! Gunter ISD will be closed on Friday and Monday to observe the Presidents Day holiday.
4 days ago, Gunter ISD
Presidents day reminder
Middle School Picture Retakes February 13th Please review the Garner Studio Retake Policy in the image. The link to purchase a package is
7 days ago, Gunter ISD
Garner Studio  Retake Policy
Gunter ISD will be closed Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th for a 4 day weekend in observance of Presidents Day. Enjoy this time with family and friends!
8 days ago, Gunter ISD
White House poster that says Presidents Day
National School Counselor Appreciation Week February 3-7 Thank you to the amazing counselors at GISD who help our students put the pieces together in their life. Our Tigers are lucky to have you at their schools! Be sure to thank these people for everything they do! High School Counselors - Katy Johnson and Mandy Biros Middle School Counselor - Jessica Hogan Elementary School Counselor - Tara Rice
11 days ago, Gunter ISD
Counselor thank you poster
The February issue of the Tiger Times has been released. You may view it here:
16 days ago, Gunter ISD
February Tiger times
Good luck to our littlest Tigers who will be competing at the Academic UIL Competition today! We know you'll make us proud :)
17 days ago, Gunter ISD
Good luck
It's tonight! Get your ticket and come on out! GIFT BINGO Night! Tickets and information can be found here: Bring the whole family! We'll start the fun at 5 PM
23 days ago, Gunter ISD
Message from the coaching staff... The south-end (scoreboard side) of our track is undergoing repair for the next few days. The track surface will need time to cure before it is complete. These areas will be sectioned off. Please help us out by staying away from these areas. This will extend through the weekend, so if any of you are at the stadium enjoying the weather, please help us ensure the track has the best chance to get fixed without any problems. Thank you!
25 days ago, Shelli Neely
it did get cold last night, but our parking lots, sidewalks, and the roads are dry and safe to travel. School will start at regular time. (1/21/25) GO TIGERS!!
27 days ago, Shelli Neely
If you plan on going to the basketball games tonight for Youth Night, you're in for a treat! The concessions will have Chick Fil A and Papa John's Pizza!
about 1 month ago, Shelli Neely
Don't forget YOUTH NIGHT on the basketball court tonight, Friday, January 17th! - @ Girl's halftime around 6:15 PM - @ Boy's halftime around 7:00 PM We hope to see all of our FUTURE TIGERS AND LADY TIGERS on the court!
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
Youth Night
GES and GMS picture retakes have been scheduled with Garner Studio for February 13th. More information about ordering pictures will be sent closer to the date.
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
retake day 2/13
Gunter ISD will be closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
MLK Quote
Snowmen, snowball fights, snow forts, snow angels, tractors pulling "sleds"... We saw all the fun you had on our two snow days, and we loved the happy faces! Here's one more thing to make that smile even bigger... we recalculated our minutes and realized that we do not have to make up Friday's snow day. We have enough minutes banked in our calendar to cover that day and will not have to come to school on February 14th.
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
Important Message
The snow will continue to fall off and on all night long. With the freezing temperatures continuing throughout the night, the roads will be too hazardous for our students, faculty, and buses to drive on. Therefore, Gunter ISD will be closed, tomorrow, January 10th. * Important: The closure today (Thursday, January 9th) was our final "extra day" allotted in our calendar for times such as these. We will have to make up tomorrow's cancellation to stay in compliance with the state. That said, Friday, February 14th is now a regular school day. Please make the appropriate corrections to your calendar.
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
No school 1/10
Due to the impending "blustery forecast" for our area, Gunter ISD will not have school on Thursday, January 9th. Safety is a big concern during winter weather events, and we would rather not have our students and teachers driving on slippery roads. Stay warm and we will keep watching the roads to determine our action for Friday.
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
Weather map of snow and ice
Winter break is winding down and we are excited to see you back in the halls of your campus! - Teachers/Staff return Tuesday, January 7th. - Students return Wednesday, January 8th
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
reminder to come back to school
Happy New Year! The January issue of the Tiger Times has been published. Read it right here:
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Happy New Year
Are you a Kroger shopper? If so, you can help our Gunter Tiger Band program every time you make a purchase, and it won't cost you anything! All you have to do is make sure GT Band Boosters is marked as your designated Community Rewards Organization. Screenshots are below to help you choose us as your designated organization. Just go to the home screen, click on Rewards, and then Community Rewards. You can search for us "GT BAND BOOSTERS" in the organizations list. And that's it! When you shop, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support GMS Band, GHS Band, and GHS Color Guard! Every time you shop we get a small %. Every little bit helps!
2 months ago, Gunter ISD
instructions visualized