Dress Up Days? Tailgate/Parade sign-ups? Go to https://www.gunterhoco.com for ALL things Gunter HoCo!
Best PTO around! The kids are super excited at recess to have two new basketball goals on the playground! Thank you GES PTO! 💙
Please support our GES September Service Project by donating supplies for our local animal shelter! See picture for more details.
With the help of some special Cheerleaders, the GES Tigers are ready to cheer on on Varsity Tigers tonight in our football game with Whitesboro! A special shout out to our Varsity Cheerleaders who not only helped open car doors but also helped us with our football chant! 💙
With the help of some special Cheerleaders, the GES Tigers are ready to cheer on on Varsity Tigers tonight in our football game with Whitesboro! A special shout out to our Varsity Cheerleaders who not only helped open car doors but also helped us with our football chant! 💙
On Fridays, kindergarteners work on recognizing numbers by playing math games. Number recognition is useful when they are cheering on the Tigers, and can look at the scoreboard to see which team has the bigger number!
EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOMECOMING! All the answers to your questions in ONE convenient space! Visit www.gunterhoco.com for all the details! HOCO Trailer: https://fb.watch/7UZdXoNTTe/
Thank you to the Duncan Family and Almega Development for the delicious breakfast this morning!
Gunter ISD is excited about our new website and app! To learn more about customizing the app to fit your needs, please watch this video. https://youtu.be/hcGfAgRkApM
Game Day Ready!
Our 4th graders were excited to zoom with "I Survived" series illustrator, Scott Dawson.They asked questions and watched as he drew a tiger and shared the drawing with our students as a keepsake.
Don't forget that Monday, September 6th is Labor Day. This is a school holiday. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
Game Day Expectations
Beginning Monday morning August 30 our busses will be dropping off students on the east side of the cafeteria in the drive. This is the same as afternoon pick-up. Cars will need to wait at the end of the PK/Kinder hallway just like the afternoon car line. This will allow busses to drop off and leave. Once busses leave you will be allowed to pull up to the cafeteria doors.
We hope to see you at Tiger Field for the 1st OFFICIAL game of the 2021 Football season tomorrow night (8/27) vs Sunnyvale! Please remember the entry fee is $5 per person to enter the gate. Kickoff is 7:30 PM!
Volleyball Youth Night is Tuesday, August 31st. Come on out and support the Lady Tigers as they face Celina and get a glimpse of the future of Gunter Volleyball at the same time!
Please be on the lookout for our school buses. STOP means STOP. If you need to review the laws regarding school buses, please visit https://www.drive-safely.net/school-bus-laws/#texas
We are excited to announce that our awesome cafeteria staff has earned the TDA 2021 Spring Farm Fresh Challenge Award for the 10th year in a row! The TDA Farm Fresh Challenge is a fun and engaging way to earn recognition for their efforts in serving local foods in our cafeterias.
Here is a printable football schedule compliments of Laci Bracewell!
Support our Tigers!